About Us
The Apple Tree is a 72 place purpose built day nursery located on a popular commuter route between Rochdale and Littleborough. It was built in 2012 and a great deal of planning has gone into the nursery layout to ensure that it meets the needs of all young children.
Our Rooms
We care for children from 6 months to 5 years and provide age specific rooms where the activities and type of care provided for your children are appropriate for their age and level of development. The age restrictions on our rooms are only guidelines and can be flexible. If we feel your child is ready and would benefit from moving into the next group then through consultation with yourselves we will do so.

Room 1 - Babies
6- 18 months
Our baby room is comfortable, warm and homely and accommodates 12 babies aged 6 months to 18 months. In the baby unit we focus on tactile and sensory activities and encourage the babies to explore and discover the world around them using a variety of natural resources. We follow your routine and ensure strong attachments between babies and staff to ensure our parents are relaxed and reassured. We have a separate cosy sleep room with full size cots, as well as an outdoor play area that is specifically for our babies.

Room 2 - Tinies
18 months - 2 ½ years
Our tinies room is bright and exciting and accommodates 16 children aged 18 months to 2 ½ years. Our tinies are encouraged to develop their self help skills, to play with others, and to begin to make friends. We focus largely on communication and language in this room, with lots of singing, signing and story telling. There is access to a large outdoor play area shared with the toddlers as well as a shared sleep room with low level beds. During their time in the tinies room, your child may begin toilet training; we will work alongside you and help you in any way possible.
Room 3 - Toddlers
2 ½ - 3 ½ years
Our toddler room is engaging and spacious and accommodates 20 children aged 2 ½ to 3 ½ years. We continue to develop strong independence skills at this stage and the children lead the way in their own learning. Communication and language is still at the heart of the provision and we continue to prepare the children for their next steps in learning. There is access to a large outdoor play area shared with the tinies, as well as a shared sleep room with low level beds. During their time in the toddler room, your child may begin toilet training; we will work alongside you and help you in any way possible.

Room 4 - PreSchool
3 ½ - 5 years
Our separate pre-school building is run by our ‘Early Years Teacher’ and accommodates 16 children aged 3 ½ to 5 years. It is made up of many well-resourced areas that reflect the real world. The emphasis is still on learning through play, although your childs day will become more structured and adult led to prepare them for school. Your child will also have immediate access to an outdoor area that has been created specifically for our pre-school aged children.
We hold a special graduation ceremony for our children before they leave us for big school, celebrating how proud we are of them. Have your tissues at the ready!
Session Times
Full Day
8.00am - 5.00pm
includes breakfast with fruit, hot lunch, and tea
8.00am - 1.00pm
includes breakfast with fruit, and hot lunch
We offer both full time and term time places with a charge of a retainer to be paid during school holiday weeks. We also ask that your child attends a minimum of 2 full days or 4 half days a week.
Opening Times
Monday to Friday
8.00am - 5.00pm
We are open throughout the year, closing for bank holidays, Christmas Eve and the week between Christmas and New Year.
Our Fees
1st Sept 2024 – 31st August 2025
Full day 8am – 5pm | £60 per day |
Morning 8am – 1pm | £44 |
Early Start 7.45am-8am | £4 per session |
Term time retainer | £55 per holiday week |
Supplement (for children who access funded hours only) | £10 per session |